Wednesday, July 21, 2010

My life in MMU

Since 31 May2010,I have started my new life as an undergraduate student in Multimedia University.This day was a big turning point for my life.As a secondary student before,my family and teachers have prepared all the things for me and I just need to focus on my study only.After I came to my university life,i have to do it all for myself.No one will help me,no one will pave the way for me anymore.I have to learn how to live without my family's assist.I have to learn how to do all the housework by myself.This is the biggest challenge for my new life here compare to others academic's problem.One and a half month past,I have to be used for my new life here already.Nothing is impossible for me now.I have already starting to enjoy my independence life here.

The first day i reached Melaka was registration day.I was exited and I have expect this day for a long time.After registered,I move to my new home in Melaka.The first opinion of this house give me strange feeling.This doesn't make me miss my home but this made me worried about my new life here.Fortunately, I have use to it now and i'm really enjoy it.My housemate were very friendly and helpful to me.I always ask a lot of question to them and they will find out for me.At least,I have lots of guidance when I starting my new life at first.On the orientation week,i was alone for all the time.Not because i am shy,it is because I couldn't found a person an let me to be willing to know him or her.Fortunately,I met my friends who came from the same hometown with me.Started from that day,my life in MMU not lonely anymore.

7 June,the first day i started my lecture.My first class in MMU was English class.I was very nervous for it because i never walk into a class which is all people were strange to me.I have no friend in this class.All to me was new and strange.Luckily,my first lesson was fun because of my funny English teacher.She tried hardly to warm-up our class because all of us were too shy but after that she did it.Our English class become not bored anymore.After this class,I also become more and more active and I had made more friends from my classmate and coursemate.Started from the fourth week,my life become more busy but meaningful.All the activities held by different clubs and societies were started.I have join the Popping Dance class and also basketball training session for this whole semester.Dancing actually is my interest but i didn't have the chance to learn it before.Same goes to the basketball.I have never join a proper training for basketball before.But in my new life here,I have many opportunity to learn more things.It is also a good opportunity for me to fulfill my dream and my wish here.My school's facilities with a good conditions also made me more enjoy the life here.I like to go to our school's library to serve internet or do my work and study there.There are very cool and make me feel more comfortable if i have to do my work or study at a hot day.

I came Malacca study nearly two month.The past one week has been quite a busy period for me.All the assignments ,presentation ,quiz, and also our mid term test came together.Although I have to study four subjects only for this trimester,but this has already enough to me make me faint.Especially for me who have no any basic before for two out of my four subjects.It is really hard for me to start to learn it from the beginning.The most I care about it is that i detest the type of teaching of some of my lecturer.They way they teach us is the way they treat all of us as the student has those subject's basic. It means lecturer will teach the us with a higher speed and this always make me felt more blur.As a student who has no any basic for that subject,they have to think over more or to deliberate and digest it in their brain with a longer time than other student who has basic fr that subject.It is unfair for those student who has no basic and I am the one of them.Therefore I have to put more attention on my lesson and have to put more effort for my study.This has made me felt more stress.

My new life here in Multimedia University was a great advance for my life.I have starting learning how to be survive in a reality society.In my opinion,life in university does not like a study life,it is more like a small society.For me,it is a big and good challenge for me.There was many memorable things for me.I hope i can carry on to enjoying my meaningful life in MMU.

1 comment:

  1. Dearest Angles,

    It was indeed fun reading your experience studying here :) Good to know that you are a well-balanced student, studying and actively involved in extra curricular activities and also pursuing your interest in dancing :) Good :) maybe one day can perform in class :P hehe

    The essay is very vivid and clear :) nevertheless there are some errors in word classes, for example, I start to enjoy my independence life is inaccurate because independence is a noun and life is also a noun, in order to describe a noun, we must use adjectives instead, so it should be independent life :)

    Sometimes, there are many chapters or topics to cover in the syllabus and so it can be very challenging for the lecturers to really go very slow and teach the basics again :P I know it is very difficult for some students who are lost because this is the first time they are studying the subject or concepts,but as university students, we must try and do our own research and study ya..Since you love the library, I am sure there are countless reference books that can help you understand concepts or things that may be confusing for you ya...if you still feel unsure, do meet the lecturer involved, I am so sure none of the lecturers would have the heart to turn away any student who wants to learn :)

    All de best to you ya :)

    Continue writing about anything you like :)

